Putting Into Practice (Wattpad) -Ladiikeiii



You have decided to apply for your first teaching position. The principal seated across from you asks this question: What are three rewards and three challenges that you will face as a teacher?

Part 1

Educate yourself is the first step in teaching a child who struggles with social skills is to educate yourself on the possible reasons behind their lack of skills is it a behavior management problem, a communication problem, or a problem with sensory integration there are so many possible reasons behind a child’s actions. And knowing the cause will help me have understanding toward them and patience. Understanding a child’s sensory needs will allow me to be aware of their limitations and help me find resources that will be helpful. Educate a child often children with visual needs, are unable to see social clues, understand age appropriate behaviors, and read body language. Once I’m equipped with the knowledge that I need, I’m able to explain to a child how to choose more socially acceptable behaviors. In my home, I say things such as what you are doing right now is not socially acceptable. If you need a more acceptable way to do this. Be patient, this one doesn’t come easy, but children need it.

Seriously, if a child struggles with learning social skills, I find that I have to repeat myself often, a child will learn a new skill and then regress, and then I might even find myself frustrated at the child. This is all very normal. Disciplining one’s child for their unacceptable behaviors will be easy. I encourage myself to stay firm, consistent and more than anything else, loving. Use social stories, picture cards, and visual reminders are great for children who are already working so hard to organize their systems. I know kids who love Superflex human stories. In the Super Flex stories the hero (Super Flex) fights off villains referred to as the unthinkable. Each unthinkable is a different socially unacceptable behavior.

 Part 2

Social skills are often overlooked when teachers and parents start planning their education for their children’s. The emphasis is often placed on math, reading and test taking and less on how children interact with each other. In fact, social skills are thought to be an essential skill that children will naturally learn, like learning to walk or learning to talk. Unfortunately, social skills and picking up on social clues do not come easy for all children. Teaching social skills are critical for the growth and development of young children. So what happens when a child is incapable or has difficulty making the connection? I can tell you from first-hand experience, having a child with minimal social skills is hard. A family member I know spent years, blaming teachers and blaming peers. There was a lot of blame. You see as many people may know, he struggles with many challenges because of his learning disability. One of the biggest struggles was his lack of social skills. Whether it’s a lack of personal space, a disregard for other’s feelings or his inability to be flexible in a situation, her son struggles with everyday life activities that many children don’t have to even think twice about. In exchange, he often feels isolated, picked on, and singled out. He struggles with making the connection between socially acceptable behavior and his need for sensory input.

Part 3

Being a teacher could be a very tough job because I have to have patience, time and energy with those kids on a day to day basis. I have to be patient, clear and supportive, but more than this I have to challenge myself and still enjoy the experience.

I don’t try to get frustrated by my trials and hardship. Surely I can’t expect life to be one smooth road. It doesn’t work that way. I would be patient and just have the belief in myself and don’t ever settle for less, I accept the challenges of life so that I can feel the exhilaration of victory. Because it can be a pain being a teacher, no matter what, I just don’t give up my dreams and believe me; I’m going to be there at the end.

Some teachers enter the classroom thinking they will automatically receive respect because of their position. This is just not the case. Respect is not given because of our status or title. Respect is earned over time and is based on your behavior, choices, modeling, and communication. For some teachers, showing respect to the student is a new way of behaving. In fact, some may feel that showing respect may result in more (not fewer) problems. They may believe that showing students’ respect may be seen as a sign of weakness, leading to a different set of classroom management challenges. These teachers, who may be holding onto an old hierarchical mindset, will continue to struggle with the current generation of students.

Being a teacher, being patient. Both in a rural area and urban, I have faced challenges. As I want children’s access to education, so they will have a bright future. Being a teacher is like a parent, devote my life with high commitment with limited resource. I’m still patient, never complain as my life it is. In front of white board I teach, I explain and often encourage to take a chance to gain knowledge to be a good citizen before it is too late. Being a teacher, I must struggle to complete my task and get my role to make children be good pupils. I hope now they will have a bright future. Just the truth of deeply understanding of teachers’ feeling as I’m a teacher and just wanna share to the world. Kids can do a lot more than most people believe. Give them a chance. Challenge them and be patient. Let them work through problems. Our job is to guide, not answer for them. It’s amazing how they can do without help. Ten things I mastered as a teacher that helped me to be a parent.

Classroom management is important to everyone associated with education. For our students’, parents, school leaders, and the public at large, effectively managed classrooms suggest that schools and teachers are in charge and know what they’re doing (Bushaw & Lopez, 2010.) (Kauchak & Eggen, pg 309). Behavior is one of the biggest classroom management problems we teachers face and another is communicating to parents. Classroom management is usually change, especially for novice teachers as every group of children is different. Teachers encounter challenges in behavior management in the classroom. I think that a portfolio or journal can be a useful record of the day to day experiences and the necessary remedies for these problems. I like to have all kinds of groups and to train on anger management as if a child flipping a desk over or cursing out a teacher is the more severe behavior challenge in education. I am more concerned with the immense loss that happens when creative minds stop caring. Me being a teacher to twenty or more students, time management is one of my primary challenges.

Time management can be a huge challenge for seasoned teachers, let alone those who are new to the classroom. As a qualified teacher in the United States, you might be tempted to earn your stripes and prove yourself as a “real” teacher by burning the candle at both ends. Teaching is one of the most complicated, challenging, stressful, time-consuming careers a person can choose to pursue. It demands a broad knowledge of subject matter, enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning, skills of discipline and classroom management techniques and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. Kindness, compassion, and overwhelming dedication to the children keep them coming back despite challenges.

The challenges of dealing with hot moments are to manage ourselves so as to make them useful and to find the teaching opportunities to help students learn with and from the moment. Strategies suggested that upon the assumption that it is the teacher’s responsibility both to help students learn something from this time and to care for and protect all the participants, perhaps particularly the student(s) who has generated the hot moment. This doesn’t mean that discomfort can sometimes be avoided learning about hot topics is difficult and uncomfortable. But no one should be scapegoated. Everyone should be protected so that learning can happen.

I also develop personal relationships with parents to help ease their concerns surrounding the needs of their children. I give 100% to the needs and education of special need students. As an educator, I like to walk in the school hallways and build relationships with students and their families. I also develop personal relationships with parents to help ease their concerns surrounding the needs of their children. I give 100% to the needs and education of special need students. As an educator, I like to walk in the school hallways and build relationships with students and their families. It is important that I involve my students’ parents in their children’s education (Kauchak & Eggen, pg 321).

Parents, trust no one. Children, don’t fall for sweet talk and empty promises. Teachers have a responsibility to mold young minds, not to take advantage of their naivety. I have to think about others and how my actions may damage someone’s life. (A personal note to the teacher in question) If a teacher did do this, you deserve any punishment given to you. Hope it was worth it. On second thought, I hope you regret that decision for the rest of your detestable life.

Another primary reward of being a teacher being able to see the results of my hard work in action, every single day. As a kid, they had difficulty understanding a certain concept and then BAM! All of a sudden, they know. I like to help those children to understand. I can help children of all ages have these moments every day and see the look of satisfaction and accomplishment on their faces. Motivation is important for both current learning and future success (Brophy, 2010). Motivating activities pull students into the lesson and actively involve them in learning (Kauchak & Eggen, pg 341).

Part 4 

Looking back my challenges and rewards teaching in younger students. My first reward is my desire to work with young people. The second reward of teaching can see the results of my hard work in action every single day.The third reward, I’m being appreciated. My fourth reward and the most rewarding thing I as a teacher is learning more and seeing students get excited about the same things we do. Going to Liberty University. It is my most esteemed and heartfelt privilege and honor to be a teacher. The same experience in my teaching duties and teaching the young and older students. I’m happy to see them all become successful in their life.

Patience is needed in this world of intolerance. It’s magic. When that rigid, inflexible teacher is replaced with a kind, creative, and patient one, the oppositional child disappears. The careful matching of teacher temperament to the needs of the child is essential! ~Maxine Share.

If I have been in school for less than one week and I have already had to call a parent, administrator, or additional resources, I mainly have given up my powers as an educator; I’ve failed that student, and I’m going to have a very very long year. What I would do is to establish clear rules and consequences, review students’ background info, work with the student. And give them an opportunity to learn my classroom management style, speak to the student one on one, be patient enough to allow time for self-correction, document behavior for tracking progress, and never let the child know what “pushes my buttons.” I will not call parents, the Principal or my behavior support staff until I have used my own classroom discipline, plan at least two weeks. There’s a difference between total frustration and happiness. It’s this my choice. And I’ll rather choose wisely rather than to suffer all year.