Filthy Rich Boys (Rich Boys of Burberry Prep #1) by C.M. Stunich

These some horrible rich kids… never well that’s a lie. I want to smack these rich kids sideways … just because this girl goes to there uppity school on a scholarship… they think she’s beneath them and a charity case… bleh #talkaboutabunchofbullies….. I can’t wait for her revenge either in this book or the next…

Book Review:

Dusty rich boys with a stick up there axxx


*****Bouncing a few spoilers into this review*****


Lord half the time I was irritated by how these preppy rich uppity kids treated Marnye because for one she knew the life of struggle and hard work. Whereas as those wack fools didn’t know what it’s like to aim for him what they want when you are trying to get a better Life. All they know is throwing their parents money around banging every d**k and Harry in the school… both guy and girl.. that ending had me mad though I knew that was going to happen. But then I realize and wonder if Andrew and Miranda had anything to do with it too since around that time everything went to s*it once she found out both Andrew and Miranda was gay… and then finding out that not only Tristen knew about it but Creed did too. She was blinded by them that she didn’t even see that they set her up…
But half the time I did believe that Zayd did like her because he didn’t really bully her the way that Creed and especially Tristen did… I mean he called her names and stuff but he didn’t technically full own bullied her. But I still thought he was a lame as the Creed and Tristen all three are horrible and was glad she didn’t have s** with either one of them… to sit and record her in the bathroom with Creed, record her in the library with Tristen and then record her with Zayd that s*** was just horrible. Though; Creed and Tristen recording were just horrible that’s why I said Zayd I don’t know I get a vibe from him that he doesn’t hate her as much as everyone else…
Though I always thought all three actually have a crush on her so the only thing they could do is bully her to get her attention… which I understand either; how she can think or feel for them… when they bullied her smh… she was clearly stupid because for one… Zack wasn’t that bad I think he did care about her though what he did was horrible too because she could’ve died if Lizzie didn’t tell him that was enough… which led him to having regrets after he realize what he did was wrong that why he apologized and I believe he was always around to look out for her and makeup to her by also helping her dad out…. when they called Zack a horrible person; I am like um “weren’t they bullying her and doing the most horrible things to this girl… same way Zack did in Middle school….

The ending of this book is by far the worse they could’ve done to her it’s crazy too because I know she’s going to forgive them… but I am hoping she forgive ZACK as well… and hopefully he comes to that school but if not they actually talk again… i don’t care to much if she talk to Miranda and Andrew either they back as the idols too. Because they weren’t there for her at all… because for one Tristen and Creed already knew that Miranda was gay… I am not sure Creed knew about Andrew until later plus those other guys are horrible since they have problem with gay people… those the type you gotta watch because they are the bitter kind…

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Book Description:

Break the new girl.
That should be easy, right?
Trash like her doesn’t belong at Burberry Prep.
No, Marnye Reed is going down, and we plan to make a spectacle out of it.
Let’s see who can make her fall in love first.
Bet’s on. Any takers?


Take on the filthy rich boys.
They’re the idols of the school, veritable gods on earth.
Old Money. New money. A rising star.
These guys are nothing like the ones at my old school.
I might come from nothing, but I’m determined to be someone, and I won’t let them get in my way.
They say they’ll make my life a living hell; I think they mean to keep that promise.

Kindle Edition, 382 pages
Published March 27th, 2019 by Sarian Royal
ASIN: B07Q46P952
Edition Language: English
  • Filthy Rich Boys (Rich Boys Of Burberry Prep, #1)
  • Filthy Rich Boys: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Rich Boys of Burberry Prep)

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