The Kissing Game: A Sweet YA Boarding School Romance (Kiss Academy Book 1) by Julia Keanini

I was kind of hesitant about reading this book 📖… I assumed that it might be boring! Though I’ve read another series by this author. I just didn’t know until I started it today. & so far it’s good! 

Book Review:

I still can’t believe that the academy is called “Kiss.”

**There’s a possibility that there might be a lot or fewer spoilers in this review***

Okay! So before I start, I want to say I wasn’t sure about this book. Because of what it was named and on top of that, no… let me backtrack, I wasn’t sure about this book because of the description of the book. I was like, I don’t know if I am going to like this book.

But once I started, it turns out to be a pretty good book. I was glad that I got around actually to read it. I liked Nashville and Marley’s story though both their names are horrible. I liked their story. Especially when Nashville twin? Triplet, or is it just his sister. I know it mentioned something about twins and the other half … but back to what I was saying. Especially when his sister London knew that Marley had a thing for her brother and asked him if he liked Marley when they all were at the diner… but I kind of figure that that Jet had a thing for Marley and London had a thing for him. Still, she was trying to deny her feelings for him. Due to the fact that he liked Marley…

But what she doesn’t know is that they will be together real soon. Lol 😂… but anyways; I thought Marley mom did need to get put in her place I mean she couldn’t base her life on her daughter life because Marley could meet someone who was and is different from her dad (Nashville) and don’t get pregnant young and run her career to become a professional soccer player… I was glad that her mom realizes that in the end, when Nashville followed them from California… he was even going to leave Kiss Academy so that Marley could come back. If that wasn’t love, I don’t know what is…

Plus that Natalia girl was just horrible. I was glad that Dakota got rid of her as her friend because Dakota was to nice to have someone evil as a friend. Especially when Natalia lied about her arm being hurt with a water bottle😂 like she was doing too much. But in the end, she still looked like a jealous fool because getting Marley off the team didn’t work on it lead her to Nashville, the one guy that Natalia wanted… she (Natalia) played herself, and Marley won because she got the guy…..

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Book Description:

It’s the game that can change everything. 

Every noteworthy couple at Kiss Academy has started in the same place, in the same way. The Kissing Game. And although I’d like to say the idea of doing the same thing as everyone else is too cliche…I can’t. 

But it isn’t like I want just any boy to be waiting on that X, looking around the crowd to meet my eyes at the sound of the courtyard clock chiming. I only want Nashville Wilde. 

Too bad the rest of the female population at Kiss feels the same way. Not only is Nash loved by all, he’s a freaking movie star and totally out of my league. And to top it all off? He’s my best friend’s brother. Talk about doomed. And yet like a fool…I dream. 

But then junior year rolls around and the rules of the game seem to change. We become friends and…could Nash be interested in me? Will we meet at the illustrious X? Or is it all my foolish imagination? 

The Kissing Game  is a stand-alone romance and the first book in the Sweet and Wholesome YA series, Kiss Academy.
“This was my first time reading Julia Keanini, but it won’t be the last. I adored The Kissing Game! With such great characters and an interesting take on the boarding school trope, I was hooked from page one. Can’t wait to start book 2!”  Kelly Oram, Author of Girl at Heart and Cinder & Ella 

The Nobody and the Popular Guy (The Sunday Lunchers #6) by Julia Keanini

Almost finish the last book to the “Sunday lunchers” … I’m still lost to why “Sara” well by a book was written about Sara… I thought I had seen her name in at least two or three books to this series… during the girls counseling sessions… but I can’t place her…


Book Review: 

 I liked this book it was; different than the others 

****There’s definitely spoilers throughout this review:*****

<i>Omg, I’m here like Mr. Brandon, why they are talking about the counselor from books 1-5 in this series. Come to find out Blake is the actual guy who spoke to those girls (Lacey, Jamie, Audrey, Tina & Anna) through their eating disorders. Because In one of the books it mentions how he had the same problem in school and comes to find out he was the dang counselor.</i> <u>I was here ‘lost’ wondering who’s “Sara” was and why a book was written about her… I thought I had seen her name in at least two or three books to this series… during the girls counseling sessions. But I can’t place her.. but then my brain is telling me in one of these books her name is mentioned when Mr. Brandon talked about his wife. </u>
That is crazy; I liked Mr. Brandon in book 1-5, and dislike like him 2.5 seconds when he let dust bunny Britney and her friends bully Sara! I think he could’ve to help Sara! If he actually did care for her. The way he went about it hurt Sara so bad especially all those evil things they did to her. I couldn’t blame Sara for not wanting to talk to him and not deal with him. Run away when he comes around. I too think why are you here, trying to ruin my life again. But I cannot wait until he apologizes and explains to Sara why he did what he did when they were in high school together.

I’m still mad about that set up that was the plan. But I was wondering how they played that setup so well when (well, how they know Sara was going to the bathroom at the particular time)… plus Darla and Jared were both a piece of crap too. I definitely wanted to smack them both with Britney…

I like how Blake finally gave Sara an explanation of why he couldn’t tell her or diss her “treated her like crap” as he said., I knew Britney was EVIL but evil enough to put Blake eating disorders out was pure evil if that was the case behind him treating Sara the way he did. I still said he was DEAD wrong!

But glad in the end, she knew that she should’ve forgiven him a LONG time ago; especially behind the reason, he did what he did. I also, knew that it wasn’t planned for Sara to find Blake passed out! Ha, Britney saw Blake changed because of Sara; what a hater. Glad, that Sara got Blake in the end. #truefacts

Goodreads Review:

The Nobody and the Popular Guy (The Sunday Lunchers Book 6) 
by Julia Keanini


Book Description: 

Sara is a good girl with a good life. But in high school that can sometimes be the kiss of death. She knows she should be happy with the way things are, nothing is wrong in her life, but she can’t help but feel like something is missing. But it looks like that hole might become filled when she almost trips over Blake Brandon. 

Blake knows image is everything and he’s figured it all out. He’s the star wrestler, has always dated the right girl, and has the right friends. But when the pressure of keeping everything the way it appears gets to be too much, Blake turns to an unlikely source for help- Sara. 

Will Blake realize Sara’s crush on him? Will Sara figure out Blake’s secret? Or will they be driven apart? 

A sweet YA romance with lots of heart.

* This is a new release of an edition originally published as Skinniness is Next to Goddessness? Sara’s Story of the Skinniness is Next to Goddessness? series. The Nobody and the Popular Guy is a new edition with bonus additional content and a new cover.
* The Sunday Lunchers series is a good read for all ages but delves into issues like eating disorders, bullying, and death.

The Broken Girl and the Hero (The Sunday Lunchers #5) by Julia Keanini

Just finished book 5? Of the Sunday lunchers. This is the one book I really wanted to read from this series… 51600622_1912433768882851_4391811528555233280_o

Book Review: 

Good book; wasn’t disappointed.. 5 star. ⭐️

***• I’m just going to add the spoilers here•*****

So I have wanted to read this book for a while now because I wanted to know Audrey story. I am glad that I got to read her story. Which was so different from the other four girls… like I think this book was a book five idk but anyways!

It sucks that her friend Molly didn’t believe anything that “Katie” at the time said about her dad. But what it was Molly is just like her father and wanted to get in denial … I was glad that Audrey got out of her shale and became stronger than she truly was.

All it took was for Brent to come into her life again and give her that spark that she needed. I was also glad that she put Chris in his place. Because he almost ruin things for Brent, but Brent became a police officer, and Dylan became an investor… so I figure football wasn’t their calling. Not only that I was glad that In the end Dylan and Jenna finally got together. Because they wanted each other as much as Brent and Audrey each other.

I was glad that Audrey became stronger when her abuser (her ex-best friend father) came into her new home and tried to hurt her. In the end, I was glad she used her business degree to open up well more so to help those women who are a victim of abusive relationships, family members; ransoms, etc. I like stuff like that especially for women because it gives us women to protect ourselves from the evil of the world. That’s something I always wanted to do (boxing; martial arts, work out exercises) never know when you might need to kick somebody butt.

& I was glad that Audrey kicks Gary *** in the end. She needed to be happy; I also understood why she didn’t want to be called by Katie-Lynn, especially when he called her that name. Audrey was a way better name for her. I can’t stand men who prey on children yuck!!! For her friend to blame her at the age of thirteen saying she wanted to be raped by that man is just disgusting… I wanted to slap her ex-best friend, Molly.


Book Description: 

I’ve been broken. Physically, mentally, spiritually…broken. And I’m okay staying that way as long as no one breaks me ever again. 

Or so I thought. But then Brent, the guy who rescued me and saw me at my worst, walks back into my life. He sees me, the real me and he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. But the last thing I want is for anyone to see me. And as part of me wants him to stay far away and leave me be, the other part wonders…what would it be like to be whole again? Could I be whole again? 

-This book follows the story of a survivor of kidnapping and rape. There is no graphic content, but the book may not be suitable for all readers. 

* This is a new release of an edition originally published as Skinniness is Next to Goddessness? Audrey’s Story of the Skinniness is Next to Goddessness? series. The Broken Girl and the Hero is a new edition with bonus additional content and a new cover.